Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Service Project

For this years service project we painted curbs and fences at the fairgrounds.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Practicing for Showtime!

Everybody line up, cows on the right, heads held high!

Discussing possible questions asked by the judges.

Learning to make halters

Stacey, one of our fabulous 4H moms, teaches us how to make halters for our calves.


Sam working on a halter for Feisty.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bath Time!

Oreo getting scrubbed clean.

Phoenix.  Rub-a-dub-dub!

Working Hard

Kalyana and Gillian put their cows in the pen so they can clean the stall.

Mackenzie and Sydnie exercise their calves.

Stall mates, Spencer and Josh

Stall mates, Courtney and Reid

Gillian halter breaking Phoenix on day two.  He was so little!

Brittany getting clean sawdust for the stall.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

We LOVE our cows!

Alex gives Stud a smooch.  :)

Mackenzie and Sydnie with their cows.

Phoenix gets a pep talk from Gillian.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Meet the Calf Wranglers

Alex & Stud and Karli & Rascal

Mackenzie & Milkshake

Brittany & Westy

Sydnie & Bosco

Spencer & Rebel

Reid & Bucky

Courtney & Stormy

Gillian & Phoenix

Heidi & Sir Loin and Abby & T-bone

Josh & Collin

Kalyana & Oreo

Ethan & Jumpy

Jarett & Cardinal

Sam & Festus

Jake & Zeus

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Feeding Time

We got our calves when they were about 35 days old.  They started with two bottle feedings of milk replacer a day.  

Gillian feeding Phoenix a bottle, day one. Slurp slurp!

Spencer feeding Rebel.

After a couple of weeks they transitioned from bottle to bucket (thus the term "bucket calf") and then from two buckets of milk per day to one bucket.

Bosco, Milkshake and Tony slurp up their milk!

Brittany feeding Westy.  They sure can drink their milk faster from a bucket!

Grain...Mmmm.  Good!

Shirts and sneakers are NOT part of  nutritious diet.

Sometimes calfs get sick...

Most of us have had to deal with a sick calf at one time or another.  The most common illnesses have been scours, pneumonia and ringworm.

The biggest pill EVER!  Administered for treatment of scours.

Giving Oreo the giant pill.  She makes it look so easy!

Sometimes calves just do crazy things and get boo-boos...

Weekly Presentations

Each week we learn fun and interesting facts about our calfs and how to take better care of them.

Brittany teaches us about the four chambers of a cows digestive system.

Joshua also talked about the cows stomachs, and what it means for a cow to "chew its cud".

Courtney teaches us about the different parts of the cow.

A demonstration from Billie Joe on how to groom our calf.

Stacey shows us how to properly halter a calf.

Gillian teaches about how to raise a healthy calf.

Karli demonstrates how to wash a calf.

Jarrett talks about the breed we're raising:  The Holstein.

Sam teaches us about parasites and other illnesses among cows.

Jake demonstrates haltering a calf on Zeus.